Sunday, December 13, 2015

Why Content is King: The Power of the Blog

Okay folks, so we have wrestled for a long while with what to post and tweet as you may have read here on Music Ministry Biz. But where does that content come from?

I will tell you a little secret that shouldn't surprise you: blogging works. It's worked for me, and gives me gobs of tweetable and post-worthy material every day!

The beauty is that the more posts you have, the more you can reuse. It's the gift that keeps on giving!

“Content is King”

You may have heard this phrase. The reason you have is that it is absolutely true! The more content you have, the more power you have to influence folks about your brand. The more stuff you offer, the more people have to absorb about who and what you are. It makes a difference in people’s lives.

“You can make positive deposits in your own economy every day by reading and listening to powerful, positive, life-changing content and by associating with encouraging and hope-building people.” - Zig Ziglar

Videos on YouTube, podcasts on Soundcloud and iTunes, pics on Instagram and Pinterest, these are other examples of content that get people’s interest. We will get to those in future posts in this series.

But what I love about blogging is that generally you have 500-1000 words to snatch bits, phrases, quotes, verses, etc. and tweet/post these bits out every hour of every day.

Most times when artists have us post to social media for them, we are struggling to have something to say even once per day. Yes, they have made an album, and EP, or some recording. But you can only post “Hey look/listen to me” so many times.

If an artist had 20-50 blog posts, there would never be a problem. Videos, pics, and other things help, and sure we want to send people to your site and to hear music. But giving them written, original content gives you something even more powerful: the ability to gain your followers trust.

Blog Your Songs!

In our last post in this series, we talked about the virtues of a 10 song (or more album). One of the main reasons I prefer this many songs on a release is it really gives us something to tweet/blog about.

Even if you have nothing else to say (which as an artist who wants to get in front of people to minister to them, you should not have this problem), you can at least talk about your songs. These are what you want people to know about anyway. And by posting a few lines from the lyrics, or explaining why you wrote or recorded the song, you can interest people to read more about you and, more importantly, listen.

“The paradox is the more info you give away, the more people will buy what you have to give.” - Brian Clark

What else can you blog about? Well, how about issues you deal with that you think others might deal with too. How about a report on a specific gig or interaction with those you minister to?

You may not feel you are a writer, or can put in words what you want to say. But the new marketing is more than just proclaiming how great you are, that you have a new song, or a new album. The world of internet marketing is about giving something that can hook the reader to be interested, just like they get hooked on your music!

Have a great week!

Eric Copeland is the president of Creative Soul and a mad blogger, yo. He writes this and other blogs to help creative people like you do more as Christian artists and songwriters. For more info check out

Related posts:

Why Content is King: 10 Reasons for 10 Songs

What to Post on Social Media

Ten Things to Blog About 


Frances Drost said...

I second this blog! Eric encouraged me for years to write a blog and I didn't because I just didn't know what to say. But I have learned that when Eric recommends something, it's because he knows what he is talking about and he's worth listening to. So about 3 years ago I got real serious about blogging and it has paid off in HUGE dividends. It has grown a strong fan base (though not large...but committed) and I have been able to dream bigger because of letting people in on my journey. They start to see what it takes for an artist to succeed and they jump on the band wagon to help you. You're absolutely right Eric. Now if I could just get the hang of twitter.

Eric Copeland said...

Thanks Frances!

As far as Twitter, I use it and Facebook (as well as LinkedIn and Pinterest) to push people to the blogs. I think those are the places people hang out. it used to be AOL, then MySpace, etc. But the goal is to use snippets from the blog to entice them to read your blog, and your website.

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